ISO Certification | Inspection | Notified Body CE Marking
Complaints & Appeal Process
ISO certification Body-"QA TECHNIC CAMBODIA" Complaint & Appeal Procedure
Complaints & Appeals
It is important to the QA Technic Cambodia Certification that we provide an impartial and transparent assessment and accreditation service and like to receive input from any concerned parties on the performance of the applicant and accredited certification bodies at any time.
All inquiries including complaints and reports of misuse of Certification status or scheme owner logos are answered. Similarly, the option to appeal against an QA TECHNIC decision is also a basic right.
In order to encourage transparency, all applications for certification and surveillance visits are posted on our News posts here on our web site to invite comments.
We welcome comments on the performance of any certification activity under our certification scheme where the issue relates to relevant norms. Such comments will be taken into account during assessment and surveillance.
The QA TECHNIC Certification Cambodia prides itself on responding to and investigating relevant complaints. These may be against the QA TECHNIC Certification itself or against the certification process of the Auditor under its certification scheme.
Complaints against certification should normally be directed in the first instance to the bodies themselves. If the complainant feels the issue was not appropriately handled, it can be referred to as the Accreditation. Where a complainant has a good reason.
The QA TECHNIC can investigate complaints anywhere in the world where the issue is relevant to activities under QA TECHNIC supervision.
The complainant is always informed of the outcome of the complaint investigation.
The QA TECHNIC CERTIFICATION appeal policies can be found with the majority of all our policies in our download area of this website or can be submit through this page. The policies explain the appeals process regarding Certification decisions made by the QA TECHNIC CAMBODIA as well as challenges by third parties to QA Technic certification decisions.
Misuse of marks, logos, and names
Cases of misuse of the QA Technic or Accreditation Symbols, name, or those of scheme holders will be investigated and appropriate actions are taken.